Vintage Technology is Cute, Airport PRM Management is Critical

Why Airports are choosing to upgrade to Ozion PRM Manager, the Benchmark in PRM Software

The PRM sector is now well engaged in its transformation from adolescence to adulthood. Proof of that maturity is nowhere more obvious than in the sector’s growing awareness of the “PRM conundrum” – the fact that most airports strongly feel that when it comes to PRM, things are not working at all as they should. More and more Airports and their Service Providers are reaching the point where they believe the time has come for a major upgrade in PRM Software Management. Airports believe the questions their provider’s PRM software should answer conclusively are not being answered and that the operational performance levels they want to achieve are not being met. Here are typical questions many airports ask themselves:

• Do we properly understand the complexity and details of how our Airport PRM service is run? Unless we do, how can we expect to put out solid tenders, hope to supervise our PRM service properly or to improve it over time?

• Do we trust the data we are receiving on SLAs and operational KPIs? (not in the sense of honesty but in the sense that it is at best partial and our understanding is limited).

• Does our PRM application truly help our providers streamline their operations to increase quality of service and productivity at the same time, year after year? Are we effectively able to mitigate the discrepancy between overall passenger traffic growth and PRM passenger growth? (PRM growth + 10% per year).

The candid answer to these 3 typical questions by the majority of airports is: “No!”.

In this context, it is enlightening to understand the very different approach Ozion has taken to design its new benchmark PRM software solution. This approach is what enables it to deliver what other, older “vintage” applications adapted from ground-handling operations, are unable to deliver.

Deploying Ozion’s PRM Manager collaborative SaaS Solution in just 3 months will give an airport and its PRM service provider organization everything other airports can only dream of:

• Access to complete, reliable SLAs available in real time at the click of a button e.g. pick up times and compliance for all departure and arrival passengers pre-booked and not pre-booked.

• Ability for the provider, gate agents and airlines to track the detailed evidence-based progress of each passenger (with 10 to 25 time-stamped milestones such as the actual agent-passenger meet time) in real time or at a later date. This makes it easy to see where each passenger and agent is, to investigate any complaint and share the results by email with the airport and airlines on the spot.

• Allow airline check in staff to welcome PRM passengers and enter their details in the software via their cute browser; allow gate agents to see the exact whereabouts of remaining PRM Passengers and their ETA at the gate to decide on when to close the flight.

• Allow PRM providers to become much more productive and increase service levels simultaneously year on year. This can be done as early as the first year you use Ozion PRM Manager increasing productivity significantly, lowering staff costs in the process, and improving service levels. Much smarter overall allocation of jobs to agents plays one part. Another is having instant visibility on every situation as it unfolds making it at last possible to remedy intelligently on the spot to the many changes that constantly test PRM services.

• Enable PRM Providers to adapt to the many changes that constantly affect PRM operations at every airport. The gate number changes: the plane will in fact not be docking at the terminal, meaning the PRM passenger can no longer be reached by jet bridge and an ambulift will instead be needed to disembark them. Or the SSR type turns out to be wrong, requiring more or different, resources to be taken well care of. The list of changes is endless. Now, for the first time, PRM dispatchers know a problem has occurred, where and why. Because dispatchers are informed of such changes in real time, the software can propose to the dispatcher the best case scenario to reschedule the job optimally from both a Service Level perspective and an economic perspective. Last but not least, the software constantly recalculates everything: the resources available needed to address new jobs, the ETA of every job, the ETA of rescheduled jobs.

• The PRM operator no longer operates in a unrealistic world which predicated that every job that started would finish according to plan never meeting problems along the way. PRM Manager operates with total visibility in a world where things go wrong all the time owing to the many circumstances outside the PRM operator’s control but which they must address to perform.

• Last but not least, have instant access to extensive reports shared live with airlines.

William NEECE

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